School Safety
Dear Pomona Middle School Parents: The Security Team at Pomona Middle School consists of eleven (11) full and part-time employees. The team is diverse in make-up and professional backgrounds. Most of the team members have been working with youngsters for ten (10), fifteen (15) or more years. The Pomona Security Team has members living in the community and one of our members is active in the PTA. Members of the team are encouraged to be proactive, and to that method of working, we have eliminated and discouraged many incidents before they could start. Our ability to intercede and defuse situations is enhanced by our knowledge of most of the students in the school. Many times, our security have the confidence of the children who pass information to the team, which enables us to intervene and stop problems before they start. As a matter of practice, the team maintains a high visibility throughout the school. We establish special posts where needed and respond to most calls within twenty (20) to thirty (30) seconds anywhere in the building. The Pomona Security Team has the added responsibility of supervising the lunchrooms for three (3) periods every day. In addition, we supervise all of the students upon arrival and departure to and from school. The Principal, Assistant Principal, Security Coordinator and the team look forward to having Pomona security be the best trained, most able Security team of in the district. We have ambitions to see that Pomona will be the "Gold Standard" Security team of Rockland County. Our most ambitious goal is that the children and staff feel safe at Pomona. We feel that we have attained that goal. We will continue to do whatever is needed to assure the health, welfare, and safety of every student and staff member at Pomona Middle School, and to ensure the parents they can feel comfortable with the security at Pomona. Richard Iskowitz Security Coordinator |